Friday, August 31, 2012

Ellis at 12 Months

Well, since Ellis is actually 13 months now. I figure I better post about her 12th month of life. We've been dealing with reaaaallllly slow internet lately so that has put my blogging on the back burner. It's just too frustrating to deal with. However, today it's faster so I've got some catching up to to. Without further ado...

  • Stats: 19 lbs 1.5 oz  27 3/4 inches long. She has overcome her failure to thrive and is holding steady between the 10th and 25th percentile. I found Parker's measurements at this age and he was little over 6 pounds heavier and 6 inches taller than her. I guess I'll have a big child and a small child.
  • She can now say mama, dada, poppop (my daddy), meemaw (Keri's mother-in law), mimi (Paul's mom), hey, kitty, ball, baby, night night, peek-a-boo, and she meows like a cat.
  • She can't walk yet, but I think it's more of lack of confidence than lack of skill. She has taken some steps and can stay upright, but most of the time will sit down when we stand her up to walk.
  • Her favorite toy is a push walker. She can manuever it all around and go back and forth almost running down the hall while pushing her walker. She does this all day long.
  • Her favorite tv show is Super Why. (Don't worry. I'm not plopping my one year old in front of the tv.) When it happens to be on that show and she hears the music, she crawls over to the tv and is glued. She dances to the hip hip hurray song.
  • She loves to dance. Whenever music comes on, she starts dancing away. She really gets into it.
  • She still only has two teeth. I thought for sure she was going to get her top two teeth for her birthday, but it didn't happen. They are so close. Her gums have had that swollen look all month long. Thankfully, it doesn't seem to bother her, but she does chew on a lot of things.
  • She gave up the paci this month. I had planned on getting rid of it at 12 months, but the actual doing it happened more by accident. I was laying her down for a nap one day and was about to get her paci out from under the crib when my phone started to ring. I took the chance and decided to leave her without her paci, and she did fine. So that was the end of that.
  • She likes to climb. Yikes! I often see her hike her little leg up onto something that's close to her size. She likes to climb up onto Parker's bed. She is so proud of herself sitting up on it, but she just hasn't figured out how to get down on her own yet. It's a good thing she is around the 10th percentile for height.
  • I think she is going to be our little sensitive child. It doesn't take much for her to break out into tears wails. Oh my, the teenage years are going to be rough.
  • She likes to point. She will point her chubby little finger in all directions wanting you to look or go in that way.
  • She has been working on feeding herself with her spoon. She wants to be so independent. I'll put the food on her spoon, and she will get it to her mouth. She is growing up too quickly.
  • She's so busy learning and exploring her world that she doesn't want to go to bed at night. A lot of nights, even though she's tired, she will fight going to sleep. She will scream when I put her down. When I go in there to console her, she will arch her back to try to get me to set her free to roam. I hope this passes quickly because I miss the no fuss bedtime.
  • She will hold up her finger when you tell her that she's one. She's such a smart girl.
  • She likes for you to touch your finger with her finger, and then she giggles. I don't seem what's so funny about fingers touching, but I think her reaction is adorable so we laugh together.
  • She gives some really cute looks, and she has some beautiful blue eyes to back them up. She's going to be a heart breaker.
  • She is such a joy to be around. She's so loving and bubbly. Just absolutely precious.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Dear Mouse

Dear Mouse (I'm hoping that there is only one of you, but if there is more this letter is for you too),

You are not welcome in our home. I had to put on my big girl panies and spend the whole afternoon cleaning up your disgusting poop and pee thanks to your teeny bladder and intestinal track. Seriously, get control of yourself. I don't appreciate you leaving your disease-filled poop behind as you explore OUR home, especially in my kitchen. I am declaring war on you. You will leave this home either voluntarily or in a mouse trap. If you are wise, you will pick the former. We will find your secret passage ways and block them off, so you better get out tonight. Oh and you better not be making no mice babies in this house. You better start watching your back because we are going to borrow my sister's cat, and I hear she's a little hungry. You can't say I did not warn you. After all the work I did today cleaning up your mess when I had other stuff to do, I better not find any more droppings around when I get up in the morning. I probably used a whole tree worth of paper towels cleaning up after you, and if you knew me, you would know that I rarely use paper towels in order to save money and live a little more green. Speaking of living green, I had to throw away recyclables that I had been saving to take off just in case you had investigated them too. I also had to run the dishwasher several times and wash boogoodles of dishes and things. And while I was doing all this I let my oldest child sit in front of the TV and watch movie after movie so now his brain is going to turn to mush. Even my youngest child sat and watched some TV when she woke up from her nap so now I'll have two children with mushy brains. Then because my kitchen was in complete disarray, I had to fix supper using only the microwave which meant we ate canned food. And if you knew me, you would know that we rarely eat canned food because it's just not healthy. What a pain you have been! You will feel pain if you don't get out. Again, you are not welcome here!


Your Worst Nightmare

P.S. We've already taken care of (and by that I mean exterminated) two of your kin folk. Nanananabooboo!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Dear Parker (a special 3rd birthday letter)

Birthday pancake tradition continues
My Darling First Born Son,

You simply cannot be 3 years old! Time has flown by since you were a snuggly rather large little newborn baby boy. I was looking at pictures of you the other day from a year ago and could not get over how much you have changed. You have definately lost all of your baby look and have taken on the full fledged little boy look. Even though you are now a big three year old boy, I still want to hold you and snuggle with you like were still the little 9 lb 8 oz baby, and most of the time you are willing to appease this desire. You have the ability to melt my heart with one look. You take care of me and kiss my boo boos. You make me so proud as I watch you come along side me and help. You have been such a great big brother to Ellis. She is such a blessed girl to have you watching out for her and playing with her. Daddy is one of your best buds. You bring such a sense of joy to his heart as you mimick his every move. Watching you learn and grow has been so special. You soak up the world around you like a dry sponge submerged in a bowl of water. It is thrilling to know that the same desire and curiosity you have for life now can catapulte you onto greatness as you continue to grow. You are also learning about our awesome God. We pray that all that you are learning right now about God and His creation develops into a deep trusting that His great love is the only way for salvation. You are so special. I just can't put into words what all you mean to me. I love you with 100% of my heart! What a blessing you are to our family.



Friday, August 10, 2012

Dear Ellis (a special first birthday letter)

My Precious Baby Girl,

What a joy it has been to have you in our lives this past year! I can't believe you a one. You should still be this tiny, cooing baby fresh and new in a brand new world. You have been a brand new challenge in parenthood. Not because you were a difficult baby because you weren't, but because I am now a mother of two. This brings all new fears. Will I love you just as much as I love Parker? How can my I have such a great love for both my children? Will there be room in my heart? I found out the answer is yes, and it wasn't hard to do. The day you were born my heart swelled with love for you, and it has only grown deeper and more expansive over this past year. I don't know how it happens; it just does. It has been incredible to watch you grow and mature into such a precious and full of personality little girl. I just melt as you play with my hair as you hug me and hold me tight. You love me so dearly. I love to snuggle with you although most of the time you are too busy exploring your world. You are curious and smart. I can foresee a life full of continuous learning in your future. You are so proud of yourself when you accomplish a new milestone. And you should be! You are a very determined little girl. I pray that as you continue to grow that you would develope a great love for our Savior. I pray that the meaning of your name "The Lord is God reigns" will be true in your life. I don't know what your future holds, but I do know that we have committed your life to the Lord. When the time comes that you understand what Jesus Christ has done for you, our prayer is for you commit yourself to Him and grow into a deep and intimate relationship with Him. As much and your Dad and I love, Jesus Christ loves you even more. We are so proud of you! Thank you for being such a wonderful daughter.




Me: What did you eat at VBS last night?
Parker: nandy (candy)
Me: What did you eat for supper?
Parker: chicken
Me:What did you eat with your chicken?
Parker: with my hands   *as he holds his hands up to his face like he's chomping on a chicken leg.

Not quite the answer I was gong for. I just love how children are so literal.

The Fly Hunter

If they had a show about a little boy who hunted flys, Parker could be the star. He reminds me of a cat when he spots a fly. He will follow it all around watching it and waiting for the right moment to attack.  He actually has pretty good reflexes and has killed some flies with his bare hands (yes, it is gross). One time he had injured the fly to where it couldn't fly but it was still alive and he carried it around in his hand. I didn't know whether to be proud or just grossed out. I was a little of both. I don't know where his interest in flys comes from. He actually is interested in all kinds of bugs. I'm so excited that he likes to pick up bugs and bring them to me to check out (please note the sarcasm). I guess the classic poem is true. What are little boys made of? Frogs and snails and puppy dog tails.