Monday, May 17, 2010

Baby Dedication and Vacation

Our church traditionally holds Baby Dedication on Mother's Day for all the babies that have been born over the past year. Parker was one of four babies dedicated this year. He did really well waiting for the ceremony. He even helped Paul with the announcements. However, by the time the Baby Dedication ceremony was over he was ready to get down and play. I'm am so proud to have a son to dedicate to the Lord. Really, Paul and I are dedicating ourselves to raising Parker to become like Christ. Our prayer is that he commits his life to the Lord at an early age and with our discipleship, help him to grow deeper in his relationship and to reflect the love of Christ with his life. What a joyous and scary responsibility we have! We are not alone; we have God's Word to guide us along the way.
That afternoon we left for a much needed vacation to Myrtle Beach. This vacation would not have happened if it weren't for the generosity of a couple in our church who allowed to use a week of a timeshare they have. We are very appreciative! Since Paul is working two jobs, we were looking forward to having time together as a family. Parker enjoyed playing in the sand. He even ate some sand! I must admit I like going to the beach, but I just wish the sand wouldn't stick all over you. It doesn't help to have a sand-covered 9 month old crawl all over you.
He got upset when we told him not to eat sand!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

8th Month Recap

  • crawling like crazy!
  • pulling up on anything and everything.
  • crusing around on the furniture.
  • squats down to go from standing to sitting instead of just plopping to his bottom.
  • gets into things he knows he's not supposed to.
  • When he gets caught, he flails around like he's trying to get rid of the evidence.
  • loves to explore.
  • smiles all the time.
  • loves playing peek-a-boo.
  • so so very ticklish and has the cutest giggle ever.
  • discovered that splashing the water in the bath tub is fun.
  • went to Chuck E. Cheese for the first time.
  • say bababababababa and bubuya which sounds like he's saying byebye (I don't think he realizes that he is actually saying something that has meaning yet.)
  • bounces up and down to music.
  • loves the Bill Green commercials for some reason.
  • gets MAD if you take something he really enjoys away from him. (I hope this doesn't mean that he has his daddy's temper.)
  • still has no teeth.
  • gets all the attention from shoppers when we are out and about, especially the old ladies.
  • weighs 20 lbs 14 oz.
  • continues to be the cutest thing ever!
  • He loves to pull all of his toys out of the basket. Green peas anyone?