Monday, February 20, 2012

Adventures in Cookies

Before Valentine's Day I dabbled into the world of cut out cookies for the first time. In celebration of Valentine's, I wanted to make heart shaped, decorated cookies that would look all cute and pretty like these.

I was going to bake them while Ellis peacefully took a morning nap and then decorate them while she took her afternoon nap. Also, I was going to have the kitchen cleaned up with a nice supper waiting on Paul when he got home from work at 5 pm. Like I said that is what I envisioned, but this is what really happened.
I really wanted chocolate chip cut out cookies, but chocolate chip cookies are drop cookies meaning they don't hold a specific form. Sugar cookies are alright, but I really wanted chocolate chip cookies that tasted like these.

I scoured the internet for a recipe for chocolate chip cut out cookies. I found one on a blog (click the link for the recipe). I put Ellis down for her morning nap. Usually, Ellis goes to sleep with no problem and sleeps for about an hour. Of course, that's not what happened. She cried and cried. I carried on with my plan to get the cookies baked. I had a little help from Parker. Mostly, I just tried to keep him from eating cookie dough. I finally got the cookies baked and got Ellis to take a little nap.
The cookies looked nothing like I thought. They didn't have the yummy golden color of a chocolate chip cookie. I tasted a crumb that broke off one, and it tasted like a sugar cookie with chocolate chips inside. Not what I was expecting. Since the cookies didn't taste like I wanted, I decided to ice them instead of using frosting like I had originally planned.

I put Ellis and Parker down for a nap in hopes of icing the cookies while they both slept peacfully. Apparently my children have a special gift of knowing when I really need them to sleep because I have something to do that needs my focus and then enjoy ruining my plans. Ellis again cried and cried. I had to put Parker's gate up so he would stay in his room because he was not interested in sleeping. Ellis eventually gave in and went to sleep. And while I was making this mess in the kitchen,

Parker was making this mess in his room.

With some trouble, I did manage to get the bottom layer of icing on the cookies. It wasn't perfect but after a few duds, I managed to get a somewhat decent looking cookie.

I let Parker out of his room to play with the leftover icing while I cleaned the kitchen and waited for the cookies to dry.

Parker enjoyed playing with the icing, especially the part where I let him eat it. At this point, it was time for supper. Since my kitchen was still a little messy and Paul had called and said he would be working later, a frozen pizza was the answer. After supper and putting Ellis to bed, Parker and I decorated the cookies. Since this was my first time decorating with royal icing, I had trouble getting the right consistency for decorating. I tried doing some writing, but as you can see it didn't work out well.

I tried a few more things, and when all else fails with icing, try dots. Dots ended up looking the best.

These are Parker's decorated cookies.

Parker had been talking about these cookies all day. So he was very happy when I told him it was time to eat them. Although they didn't taste like I wanted them to, Parker really enjoyed them.

Making these cookies ended up being quite the labor of love, but I enjoyed being able to show my family love in a small way.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Funny Follow-up

After posting the previous post, Guilt No More, I logged onto Facebook only to see someone post a link to the following article from (click on the link to take you to the original article for credits). I thought it would be a fitting follow-up to my post.

How Much Is a Homemaker Worth?

The Story: A study conducted by the financial service company Mint found that the sum value of different homemaking duties annually amounts to almost six figures. If a homemaker's job were salaried, it would draw, on average, $96,291 per year. Tasks accounted for in the study included private chef, house cleaner, child care provider, driver, and laundry service provider.
The Background: There's no escaping the fact that contemporary society often scoffs at stay-at-home moms. "This isn't the 1950s anymore," the thinking goes. "Why in the world would someone want to be imprisoned in her own home?" The common idea, of course, is that many responsibilities on the home front should be outsourced, thus releasing moms from domestic shackles to realize their vocational dreams. While such a mindset isn't automatically wrongheaded in every case, it can frequently betray a prioritization that is biblically questionable.
Why It Matters: Proverbs 14:1 states: "The wise woman builds her house." While the monetary value and practical feasibility of full-time homemaking may vary from home to home, what remains constant is the irreplaceable significance of a homemaker's contributions. The Mint article concludes, "The daily work of a homemaker can sometimes be taken for granted....However, these services could earn a homemaker a considerable wage if he or she took those skills to the marketplace. Homemakers, in general, contribute a lot more to the home in addition to these tasks and no amount of money can fill those needs."
Indeed, no study could ever fully quantify the service of a mother who "looks well to the ways of her household" (Prov. 31:27). At the very least, this research should prompt us to express fresh appreciation to those stay-at-home moms whom we love and who, though receiving little recognition in the eyes of the world, are faithful and treasured in the eyes of their King.

Guilt No More

     I have to admit that I've often felt guilty about being a stay at home mom (SAHM). I've had thoughts of inadequacy that have led me to think that maybe our family would be better off if I went back to teaching. I feel that I've put a lot a pressure on my husband as he is the sole provider of income for our family. When I look at the small amount of money in our checking account, the house full of hand-me-down furniture, the one car parked in our carport, I often think that if only I wasn't a SAHM then I could fix these "problems." Then on a spiritual level, I feel that I'm not making enough of an impact on the lost world around me because I'm just sitting at home all day with 2 kids and a dirty house.
     I was thinking about these things yesterday as I was doing my daily chores when I felt the Lord say to me, "don't forget I CALLED you to this." I had forgotten. I had forgotten that when the Lord calls us to something He provides. He has taken care of us on one income. We have never gone hungry, unclothed, and unsheltered. In fact when I look at our finances, I'm always reminded that God is the one who carries us day to day. He really is the sole provider of this family. Yes, we aren't living the "American dream" with a house that has 3 times more space than we really need filled with name brand stuff with 3 cars parked in a 3 car garage when only 2 people in the house can drive. But we are living a dream bigger than all the money in the world can provide.
     God reminded me that I am making an impact on this lost world around me. The early years of a child's life are the most crucial in developing a Godly world view in that child's life. Since I'm at home with the children and I plan on homeschooling, then I have a major responsibility in discipling my children into people who love Christ with their whole being who are not afraid to live a radical life following Him. I'm discipling my children so that as they grow older they will in turn reach out to the lost world. I AM making an impact on the lost world.
     All this boils down to where our treasures lie. If I keep my focus on things of God, then everything falls into proper perspective. When my time on earth is over, it won't matter about how much money we had or how much nice stuff we owned. Therefore, I will no longer feel guilty. (Well, at least I will do my best. It will be a constant battle of the flesh to overcome.) God has called me to be a SAHM and to help support my husband in ministry. I wouldn't have it any other way. God is so good. He's so good to me.

[Note: If you are not a SAHM, please don't take what I said to be that every woman should be a SAHM. That just isn't so. As long as you are doing what God called you to do, then you have nothing to worry about. May God bless you and your family in whatever role He has called you to.]

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Where's Parker?

I went to wake Parker up from his nap. I looked at his empty bed and around the room until I finally spotted him. See if you can find him.

 See pictures below for hint.

Apparently it is really nice to sleep in a tube on the floor. He has taken several naps and even slept the entire night in this. Hey, as long as he's sleeping it is fine with me.

This is what you get...

...when a two and a half year old who still needs a nap but refuses to nap finally sits down to watch a movie. And I finally got to cook supper in peace!

Ellis at 6 Months

Tear! It has been a half a year since I first held my beautiful baby girl. She just continues to light up our lives more and more every day. Here are some fun facts about Ellis this month.
  • She weighs 13 lbs. 14 oz. (between the 10-25th percentile) and is 25 inches long (25th percentile). I was worried when they first weighed her and she had only gained 2 oz. since her 4 month check up, but the doctor says everything is great.
  • She's working hard at trying to roll over back to front. She gets so frustrated as she's on her side trying desperatly to reach the toy that has caught her eye.
  • She sits up on her own really well, although not to the point I would just sit her down and leave her. She will still fall over is she's concentrating hard on something.
  • She loves to sit in her Bumbo (Thanks Aunt Mollie and Uncle Michael for letting us use yours!)
  • Some of her favorite toys are crinkle money, rattles, links, and soft blocks.
  • She twirls her feet. I think it is the cutest thing!
  • She has some serious stranger anxiety. If a stranger or someone she doesn't see often talks to her she starts screaming. I mean SCREAMING. It's really funny to see people's reaction when their sweet hellos are only met with a loud scream.
  • Her and Parker are beginning to play with each other. Well, as much as a sixth month old and 2 1/2 year old can. She really enjoys Parker. Parker is really good with her.
  • She has gotten much better with her naps. She rarely cries now when I lay her down or just a little bit, and she is sleeping much longer.
  • She is still not interested in solids. Although she improved a little the last time I gave her some, she didn't gag but still made some awful faces.
  • She loves to jump, especially as someone's holding her. She gets those legs just a-going.
  • She has discovered the joy of squealling.
  • Although I still think seeing a tooth in her mouth is a little bit away, she is chewing things like crazy. You can see where the teeth are in her gums, but they are not to the point where the gums are red and puffy.
  • She's a very sweet little girl, although she will let you know if you do something she doesn't like. I guess you can say she's not afraid to express her opinion!