Monday, October 31, 2011

Big Bad Boo Boo

Parker survived the trip to the ER and was a good, brave little fella from what I've been told. Thankfully, the ER wasn't very busy and they were in and out in 2 hours (which is a small miracle for Kershaw Health). He ended up with 5 stitches and has to get it checked out tomorrow to make sure everything is okay. When they left, Parker said "I eeeeeat." Apparently, he was hungry because he ate 3 chicken nuggets and a small fry from his BK Kid's Meal at 10:00 PM.  He was ready to see his mommy. He started fussing when he saw me. It was waaaaaaaay past his bed time so some irritability is quite understandable. He got some Mama Love and some Motrin and went to bed still in the black turtleneck from his Mickey costume (I'll post later about that).
He slept until 9. He won't use that hand today, but when he has a paper cut, he does the same thing. I washed his hands and changed the bandaid after lunch, which made me a little queasy. I was going to post a picture of his boo boo here, but it looks too nasty to me. It seemed to bother him more after that, but it was also naptime. I am grateful to know that I did not miss my calling to become a nurse! He should get his stitches out in about 10 days. Then, he will be back to himself but with a scar for me to remember this experience.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

I'm at home, waiting...

I'm ususally a fairly patient person, but not tonight because right now as I type this my baby boy is at the ER with Paul. Parker somehow cut his finger on the door at church. I didn't look at it because I can't hand stuff like that very well, but we knew it was going to need stitches. At first I was going to leave Ellis with my sister and go with them to the ER, but Ellis had been upset the past 2 hours at the Fall Festival at church (I think she was overstimulated, tired, and hungry. She likes nice quiet atmosphere.). I was scared she wouldn't take a bottle well, and I didn't want to leave my sister with a screaming 3 month old who wanted to nurse with no way to take care of that. So, I decided to stay at home with her and Craigan, my brother-in-law, went with Paul. Now, I'm at home...waiting. And to make matters worse, I left my cell phone in the diaper bag in the car. I have no quick, direct way to talk to Paul and find out how my little baby is doing. Thank the Lord Paul has a smartphone, and we finally got internet at home so I could keep in touch with him through FB. It's not as efficient as having my cell phone, but it is better than nothing.
To pass the time, I started looking at thepioneerwoman blog. Now, I'm blogging. All I can think about is that my baby is tired and hurt and probably scared. I know that he is going to be fine. There are far worse things than stitches in a finger. I just want to know every detail of my children's life. I know I sound like one of those helicopter moms. And I know that Paul is the parent to be with the child that has a sliced finger and needs stitches from the ER parent. I'm definately not that parent. Watching nurses squeeze blood out of my child's finger at the doctor's office makes me feel squimish and a little faint.
I could keep rambling now, but for your sake, I'm going to end this post. I'll follow up with another post tomorrow.

Friday, October 28, 2011

As promised...

So, it turns out it wasn't the technology-illerate me. It was a problem with Blogger not uploading pictures. I guess it had taken the night off. Anyway, I tried to do a fall picture setting on the last day of warm weather when I was crunched for time and by myself. They didn't turn out the way I wanted, but that's what you get with a tired, unskilled mama with a camera working with lighting that wasn't ideal, a 3 month old, and a toddler who wouldn't do what I wanted him to do (imagine that) or quit riding his tricycle in my shot.
This picture just makes me laugh!
She reminds me of my mama in this picture.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

My Little Big Man

Parker has just been growing by leaps and bounds. It amazes me all that he learns. He says a lot of things now although I'm one of the only ones who can understand him. He loves to copy us, so we have to watch what we do and say. He still loves routine and likes things neat. One day, I gave him a snack of PB & J on crackers. He dropped a piece of cracker, topping side down, on the carpet. He started getting upset because there was a jelly stain on the carpet. I told him not to worry that I would clean it up when I finished feeding Ellis. He went of to his room and pulled out his cleaning cart (it's a pint sized replica of something similar to what hotel housekeeping would use). He took his pretend spray bottle and "sprayed" the stain. Then, he got his broom and dust pan and swept over the spot. Apparently that got him in a cleaning mood, because he got his chain saw, which he pretends to be a hand vacuum, and started cleaning my couch. Man, I love this child! He is just the most loving little boy. He will come and give us hugs and kisses for no apparent reason. He has always been snuggly. Not only does he look just like Paul, but he is also attached to his hip. He is such a daddy's boy! He still loves me though. Especially since Ellis is around now, he has to stake his claim on me. Sometimes he'll hold me and use that favorite toddler word, "MINE." There is so much to say about him, so there will be more posts to come of his stories.

Go Pink!

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month, I wanted to highlight a blog I've been following. Kerri Pennington is an inspiring woman. I first knew of her because I went to school with her. She is closer to my sister's age, but I graduated with her sister. I started following her blog to get updates on her youngest daughter who was born with half a heart and suffers from epilepsy. Watching her strength and faith in God through the difficulties with that is inspiring, but recently, at the age of 34, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She is currently undergoing chemotherapy. Her resilence through the difficulties she is facing is truly amazing. I know that her faith in God is what gives her strength. If you would like to be encouraged, check out her blog at

Ellis at 3 Months

I can't believe that Ellis is now 3 months old! Time passes too quickly. She no longer has the newborn look. She has beautiful blue eyes that light up when she smiles. She now has more awake time and is studying the world around her. Parker is particullary interesting to her. She loves to coo. She is quite the talkative little girl. She hates tummy time, but enjoys lying under her floor gym and kicking. That about as exciting as it gets for a 3 month old. She started sleeping through the night at around 6 weeks old. She will go to bed around 7 or 8 pm and wakes up to eat around 4 am. You might be saying that's not the whole night, but you have to consider that is 8 hours of straight sleep for her and then she goes back to sleep. If I went to bed as early as she did, she wouldn't wake me up at all during the night. This is such a relief since Parker was difficult to get to sleep through the night. We have adjusted pretty easily into a family of four. Parker still has moments of jealousy. Right now, with 2 kids and 2 parents we can divide and conquer easily. I've learned how to handle 2 children on my own when Paul's at work. Sometimes it can be crazy but for the most part I can handle it. Ellis is such a blessing to have. I'm enjoying watching her grow and develop. I was going to post some pictures, but for some reason, the uploader wasn't able to upload the pictures. I'm not very skilled at computer stuff, so you will have to wait until Paul is able to help.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I'm back!

Oh, how I've missed my blog! I've been silent for a while on here because we haven't had the internet since we moved. Living out in the country is great but not for internet service. We finally found an option for us...a mobile WiFi device. So, now I can catch up on my blog. I have so much I've been wanting to post. It will take me some time to catch up so bear with me. I don't always have a lot of free time to sit and post with a two year old and a newborn and a house to take care of. Speaking of the house, I should really get busy cleaning it. So long for now.