Monday, October 31, 2011

Big Bad Boo Boo

Parker survived the trip to the ER and was a good, brave little fella from what I've been told. Thankfully, the ER wasn't very busy and they were in and out in 2 hours (which is a small miracle for Kershaw Health). He ended up with 5 stitches and has to get it checked out tomorrow to make sure everything is okay. When they left, Parker said "I eeeeeat." Apparently, he was hungry because he ate 3 chicken nuggets and a small fry from his BK Kid's Meal at 10:00 PM.  He was ready to see his mommy. He started fussing when he saw me. It was waaaaaaaay past his bed time so some irritability is quite understandable. He got some Mama Love and some Motrin and went to bed still in the black turtleneck from his Mickey costume (I'll post later about that).
He slept until 9. He won't use that hand today, but when he has a paper cut, he does the same thing. I washed his hands and changed the bandaid after lunch, which made me a little queasy. I was going to post a picture of his boo boo here, but it looks too nasty to me. It seemed to bother him more after that, but it was also naptime. I am grateful to know that I did not miss my calling to become a nurse! He should get his stitches out in about 10 days. Then, he will be back to himself but with a scar for me to remember this experience.

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