I was going to bake them while Ellis peacefully took a morning nap and then decorate them while she took her afternoon nap. Also, I was going to have the kitchen cleaned up with a nice supper waiting on Paul when he got home from work at 5 pm. Like I said that is what I envisioned, but this is what really happened.
I really wanted chocolate chip cut out cookies, but chocolate chip cookies are drop cookies meaning they don't hold a specific form. Sugar cookies are alright, but I really wanted chocolate chip cookies that tasted like these.
I scoured the internet for a recipe for chocolate chip cut out cookies. I found one on a blog (click the link for the recipe). I put Ellis down for her morning nap. Usually, Ellis goes to sleep with no problem and sleeps for about an hour. Of course, that's not what happened. She cried and cried. I carried on with my plan to get the cookies baked. I had a little help from Parker. Mostly, I just tried to keep him from eating cookie dough. I finally got the cookies baked and got Ellis to take a little nap.
The cookies looked nothing like I thought. They didn't have the yummy golden color of a chocolate chip cookie. I tasted a crumb that broke off one, and it tasted like a sugar cookie with chocolate chips inside. Not what I was expecting. Since the cookies didn't taste like I wanted, I decided to ice them instead of using frosting like I had originally planned.
I put Ellis and Parker down for a nap in hopes of icing the cookies while they both slept peacfully. Apparently my children have a special gift of knowing when I really need them to sleep because I have something to do that needs my focus and then enjoy ruining my plans. Ellis again cried and cried. I had to put Parker's gate up so he would stay in his room because he was not interested in sleeping. Ellis eventually gave in and went to sleep. And while I was making this mess in the kitchen,
Parker was making this mess in his room.
With some trouble, I did manage to get the bottom layer of icing on the cookies. It wasn't perfect but after a few duds, I managed to get a somewhat decent looking cookie.
I let Parker out of his room to play with the leftover icing while I cleaned the kitchen and waited for the cookies to dry.
Parker enjoyed playing with the icing, especially the part where I let him eat it. At this point, it was time for supper. Since my kitchen was still a little messy and Paul had called and said he would be working later, a frozen pizza was the answer. After supper and putting Ellis to bed, Parker and I decorated the cookies. Since this was my first time decorating with royal icing, I had trouble getting the right consistency for decorating. I tried doing some writing, but as you can see it didn't work out well.
I tried a few more things, and when all else fails with icing, try dots. Dots ended up looking the best.
These are Parker's decorated cookies.
Parker had been talking about these cookies all day. So he was very happy when I told him it was time to eat them. Although they didn't taste like I wanted them to, Parker really enjoyed them.
Making these cookies ended up being quite the labor of love, but I enjoyed being able to show my family love in a small way.