Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Curse Of the Camouflage Pants

Me: You're going to wear THAT?
Paul: yes, is there something wrong with this? Does it match?
Me: it's camouflage pants and we're going out in public to run errands. Why would you wear camo pants?
Paul: I need to get a lot accomplished today and these pants make me feel like getting things done.
Me: whatever...if that's what it takes for you.

I'm going to take those pants and burn them. We left the house this morning to go to the DMV to register the vehicle my daddy gave us, get the inspection sticker, get groceries, and get the seminary decal for the car.
However only one of those things happened. We went into the DMV where we waited 20 mins just to get a number. Then I waited nearly FOUR HOURS to get my numbered called. Then the lady put in that I was paying cash when I was going to use my debit card, so I just got some money out of the ATM there to save the trouble and time of them getting that fixed.
By the time we left it was close to 3 o'clock so we decided to go to Golden Corral for a big lupper. Parker wasn't eating very much and said he needed to go poop. Paul took him to the bathroom and Parker's tummy was upset. He was still complaining his tummy hurt and ended up throwing up all over the bathroom floor. Of course Paul's appetite was gone but he waited with Ellis to finish while I took Parker to the car. We ended up coming home with only one of our to do items done and the day is nearly done. Now Ellis is in her "mean I want to destroy everything mood" because she didn't take a nap. So much for Paul's camo pants helping him get things done. Like I said, I'm going to burn those pants.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

So you know you're not alone

I've been terrible lately about keeping the house clean. The other day I opened the cabinet door and there was one, ONE cup left, and the only reason we had clean plates was because we had been eating off of paper plates. There were piles and piles of dirty dishes that had been waiting for days to be washed. My excuse was I am almost out of dish detergent, but really I just hate to wash dishes. There are times Most of the time I'm stepping on leftover bits of cereal, noodles, or other bits of leftover food from the day. Forget about the floor actually being mopped. Walking through the living room or the kid's rooms is like walking through a field of land mines.  There are only a few places where some kind of toy, blanket, book, clothing, or shoes aren't laying for you to place your foot. I can get clothes washed and dried, but put away is a whole other story.
It's terrible. I know that it makes life more chaotic and takes away from the home being a place of comfort and rest. I struggle with my own self-esteem. As a stay-at-home-mom, shouldn't I have everything perfectly organized and the kids on a perfect schedule so they never get bored and start acting out and destroying things?
Part of the reasoning behind the mess is it's just the season of life. With two little ones, there is bound to be mess. However, I have to take most of the blame here. The fact is I lack self-discipline or to put it bluntly, I'm lazy. I really am an organized person. I know you think I'm kidding you after reading all this, but it's true. I am also a perfectionist. Again, I'm not kidding. However, I have this flaw that keeps me from being perfectly organized. I have this "it's overwhelming, and it can't be perfect so I might as well throw in the towel and just let it all just go" mentality.
I'm bearing my flaws here, so if your in the same boat or a similar one, you can know you are not alone. There is another mama out there struggling. I would surmise that there are a lot of mamas out there that at the end of the day they are just proud that they kept the kids alive even if all the Pinterest boards and pins would suggest otherwise.

Feel free to leave a comment so I know I'm not alone.