Sorry, it has been awhile since I last posted. I just thought I would catch everyone up a bit. Parker has been growing and developing so quickly lately. Ever since he hit the three month mark, he has begun to be able to do a lot more. To start with, he started grabbing at his toys and of course, everything he grabs heads straight toward his mouth. I think Parker is teething. He's been drooling, chewing on anything and everything, and when I actually see his gums without a little tongue covering them, it looks like the area in which the first teeth come through is swollen. He hasn't been too fussy about it so it might be some time before they actually come in. One of his biggest milestones he has reached is turning over, first tummy to back then back to tummy. He still doesn't roll over consistently, but occasionally he will get turned over. Parker has also learned to sit up on his own. I stay close to make sure he doesn't fall over. He stays up well leaning forward on his hands. Paul and I are just so proud of him!
About a month ago, Parker started physical therapy for torticollis (sp?). Just so you know, torticollis is a condition in which the neck muscles on one side are weaker than the other which causes the baby to tilt his head to one side. Since their skulls are still forming, their heads become misshappen. Physical theraphy stretches and strengthens the weak muscles so Parker will turn in both directions to even out his head. The very first PT session was hard. Parker screamed while the therapist was stretching him, not because it hurt. Since then I try my best to make sure he is asleep during therapy which helps the therapist get good stretches in.
At the beginning of November, Michael, Mollie, and JB came to visit us on the way to one of Mollie's college friends wedding showers. It was great to see the cousins "play" with each other. I'm sure they are going to be great friends growing up.

We celebrated Thanksgiving in Bethune this year with my side of the family. We enjoyed a relaxing day and a yummy meal with family. Parker also got to experience his first Black Friday shopping. I prayed for a bubble of germ blocking protection over Parker and me since I knew we would come in contact with a lot of people. Our first stop was Walmart at 5 am. With Parker sound asleep in his carrier, I politely bumped people out of my way (there were no buggies at the front of the store). Thankfully, in all the craziness, the Lord sent me a buggy left abandoned in one of the aisles. I got the things I needed with the help of my family. We were done shopping by lunch time. That's the one nice thing about getting up at the crack of dawn, you get done early.

It was late in the day when we took this. That's why we look so rough!
Paul and Kelly, Parker is beautiful! I enjoy all the pics and being able to keep up with you via the blog. Hope that you have a very Merry Christmas!!
Lori Wyatt
Spartanburg, SC
Kellie, glad you had a fun Black Friday. You and Parker look great but yes, Paul looks a little rough! :)