Since it's a Saturday night and the baby's in bed and Paul's at work, I decided I would spend a little time catching up. I've been meaning to do this for a while, but well, I'm lazy.
Back in April, Paul, Parker, and I went to Riverbanks Zoo for the day. I had been wanting to go for awhile. Since the weather was nice, we headed off to Columbia to the zoo. (Apparently, every elementary school decided it was also a lovely day to visit the zoo.) I took boo-goodles of pictures but since I have to save them to a jump drive and bring them over to my dad's computer to post them on the blog, I've been selective with a few. However, I must say I got some really great pictures of lots of animals, so sorry you're missing out.

I loved how Parker affectionately called this wild, huge, and large animal (possibly a human) eating feline "kitty." Yes, this animal is related to the domestic house cat, but I don't think "kitty" quite fits.

Paul and Parker enjoying a rest on the "kitty."

A little monkey buisness. Actually, this isn't a monkey it's an ape because it doesn't have a tail. I learned that by watching animal atlas. Can you believe that I have been wrongly calling a chimpanzee a monkey all these years?!

Parker checking out the chickens.

Parker got the bird's eye view at the penguin feeding. I love how he was holding on to Paul's hair.

Hungry elephants

Taking a ride on the tortoise.

"Here fishy fishy"

This is what we all needed at the end of a great day at the zoo. (That and a little Moe's too.)
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