Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Ellis's Birth Story
I know not every one is like me, but I always find it interesting to hear stories of baby delieveries. So, if you're not like me, sorry, you'll just have to skip this post.
On Monday, I had my weekly OB appointment. The doctor wanted to check me to see if anything was happening and talk about scheduling an induction since we live an hour away from the hospital and because my first delievery was pretty short. When he checked me, his eyes got big. I was 4 to 5 cm dilated. He suggested that we come back the next day to be induced unless I went in to labor before then. I had been having Braxton Hicks contractions since the middle of the pregnancy, and they had been getting stronger. Paul and I decided to walk around the Sumter Mall to see if anything would happen before we drove home.
We got up at 3:15 am Tuesday morning to get ready to go to the hospital to be there by 5. I didn't really sleep between the sometimes strong contractions, indigestion, Paul's snoring, frequent bathroom trips, and just plain not being able to get comfortable. When we arrived the nurses were very prompt at all the preliminary work up. I told them about my rather short labor with the first so they decided that it would be best to get the epidural catheter in place before they started any Pitocin. I had to wait for them to get the blood work results and the proper amounts of IV fluid in before they would do the epidural. Finally, about 6:30 the anethethist (don't know how to spell it but I mean the wonderful person who gives out the amazing pain meds) put in the cathether for the epidural. He told me my blood lipids or something like that was on the border line of being too low for the epidural. I was so thankful that it was at least above what it needed to be so that I could have an epidural.
I had to wait another hour after that before they started the Pitocin because the doctor had some things she needed to finish up so she could be ready as she was expecting a pretty quick labor and delivery. Finally at 7: 30 am they started the Pitocin drip. My contractions started to get stronger after a little bit. About 8, I was ready for my dose of epidural. At 8:10, I got the meds. At 8:11, Dr. Latham broke my water. I was measuring 5 to 6 cm at a -1 station. About 30 minutes after that, I was feeling strong painful contractions in my abdomen so I asked the nurse if I could another dose of epidural meds. When the anethethist came in to check about it, the nurse checked me, and I was complete. It was time to start pushing. She had me push one time, and she stopped me. She said we need to get Dr. Latham in here this baby's ready to come out now. I had to wait through another contraction for the doctor to get ready. I was just thinking, "please hurry up. I really need to push." Next contraction, I pushed one time and out she came. She was beautiful and tiny. I was expecting her to be at least 8 lbs considering how big Parker was. All the nurses were so surprised at how easy the labor and delivery was. They told me I was made to do this and I should have about 10 more. Ummm....I don't think so. She checked out perfectly healthy. I was so greatful that we didn't have to go through another NICU stay like we did with Parker.
Speaking of Parker. He is not quite sure about this whole big brother buisness. Right now, he pretty much ignores her and is glued to his daddy when he comes to visit. I'm hoping that he will adjust quickly when we get home.
I'm very excited to be a family of four now. I know it will be an adjustment for us all as we settle in at home and get to a normal routine.
I'd like you to meet...
our beautiful daughter, Ellis Reign Camp! She arrived at Tuomey Hospital at 8:55 am on July 26. She weighed 7 lbs 3 oz and is 20 inches long. She has the blondest of peach fuzz on her head. (FYI: The old wives tale about heart burn/indegestion means a baby with a full head of hair is not true. I had very little with Parker and a whole lot with Ellis and both were practically bald.) So far she has been a very laid back baby. In fact, most of the time I'm having to wake her up to eat.
Her name Ellis came from my grandaddy, Ellis Padgett. Ellis was also his mother's maiden name. Ellis is a form of Elijah which can be translated "the Lord is God" so her name means "The Lord is God who Reigns." We really like her name and the meaning of it. Our prayer is that the meaning of her name also becomes her reason for living. We pray that the Lord God always reigns in her life.
Monday, July 11, 2011
It's almost time!
Wow, it has been crazy for us since the beginning of June. We sold our SUV, moved to Westville, and have been trying to get everything in place before Ellis makes her appearance anytime now. I wish I could say we are completely ready, but I would have to lie. The nursery is painted now, the crib is ordered, and a large majority of boxes have been cleared from my house. (We put most of what we really don't have to have soon in the storage building at the house we rent to deal with later.) It has been a little slower going than I wanted since Paul is working and I'm limited in what I can do.
I'm hoping that Ellis decides to stay in at least one more week. I need this week to try to get things ready completely (by that I mean I'm not looking at boxes anymore). I have an ultrasound tomorrow to see how big she is and to project how big she could be at 40 weeks. Since Parker was 9 and a half pounds on his due date, there's a good possibility she could be just as big or bigger. I'm hoping that they will want to induce early. Whether she gets here on a scheduled day or whenever she decides, she's going to be here soon either way. Please pray that we will have a safe and healthy delivery.
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