Thursday, December 20, 2012


We have a tradition in our house to make pancakes for breakfast with a candle for the birthday person. This year we will be at our house on Christmas morning for the first time, so we decided to make pancakes for Jesus's birthday and Parker will get to blow out the candle for Jesus. This morning I was making pancakes for breakfast and we had the following conversation.

Parker: (running into the kitchen) It's Christmas! We eat pancakes for Jesus birthday.
Me: No, buddy, it's not Christmas quite yet. We are just having pancakes for breakfast just because.
Parker: I like pancakes.
Me: I know you do. They are your favorite breakfast food.
Parker: Jesus like pancakes too
Me: I'm sure he does.

Parker is so excited about celebrating Jesus's birthday. He keeps asking me if it is Jesus' birthday yet and telling me that Jesus likes pancakes on his birthday. Although he is looking forward to opening presents on Christmas, it just makes me so proud that he is just as excited about Jesus's birthday.

1 comment:

  1. Kellie, I like Parker's heart. Each year I struggle with if we are allowing too much Santa (the kids make their lists, ask if Santa will know what they want if we don't see him, tell them we give them 3 gifts like Jesus got, and then "Santa" brings them a bunch of other stuff too!). Philip is beginning to question (pretty much doubt outright) and Braewyn asks if I believe in Santa. I think Christmas would be much simpler without Santa coming to our house. Maybe Philip and Braewyn will tell Juliet that Santa's not real and that will be the end of it. Praying for you all.
