Thursday, January 7, 2010

Prayer Request

If you keep up with my blog, you already know that Parker has torticollis which caused plagiocephaly (flat spot on head). Physical therapy has been going well but Parker continues to look a lot toward his right side and this week I've been noticing him tilting his head again (a classic torticollis sign). The flat spot is getting a little better which brings me to my prayer request. Please pray that Parker's head "poofs out" soon. I know that is not the medical term but essentially that's what it needs to do. We go back to the doctor in the middle of February. If it is not better by then I have a feeling the doctor will want him in a helmet. Although it doesn't hurt him, I would rather not have to go through the trama of him wearing a helmet 23 1/2 hours a day and of course getting the insurance to cover it. Sometimes insurance companies won't cover the helmet because they see it as a cosmetic issue. If the Lord wills, I do pray that his head will poof out soon. Thanks in advance for your prayers.

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