Monday, January 23, 2012

Go for the Goal!

   So, I'm starting something new this week. Something that I've always wanted to do, but quite frankly, I've been lazy about doing it. I've created me a Home Management Organizer to help me be a better steward of my time and household. The inspiration that go me started was's articles on creating goals. Crystal Paine, the creator of the website, has a goal creating document that starts by indentifying priorities. Then from your priorities you have focus areas and then break those focus areas down into smaller goals. This has helped me tremendously.
   I have to admit. Prior to this I was not one to make and live by goals. Sure, I would occasionally write down a to-do list for the day, but beyond that I thought I could be productive without written down goals. Boy was I wrong. Creating these goals has been very inspiring to me. It's kind of like teaching again. I've created Long Range Plans and every week my Short Range Plans are based on my goals. (My NGU professors would be so proud.) I'll share more about my goals in other posts.
  Part of keeping myself organized, I've created a weekly management sheet. On it I have Daily To-dos, Weekly To-dos that I've assigned a day of the week, and a meal plan for the week. So far, this has been really helpful. I haven't perfected living by it yet. It would have helped if I would have gotten up early this morning. I chose to sleep in a little because Ellis was up crying every hour until about 2 in the morning, so I was a little tired. [Side note: what causes a child who usually sleeps from about 8-7 to one night wake up and cry like crazy? My best guess was she was cold because after I added a layer of clothing and rocked her a little I didn't hear anything from her until 8:15 am.]
  I say all this to hopefully inspire you to set some goals of your own. You might be amazed at what you can accomplish.

1 comment:

  1. good job, Kellie, for writing out your goals! I've posted about using a scheduling book which inspired me to make a daily schedule. I long to put it fully into practice but am struggling with getting there in reality. Meal planning is another thiong on my wish list. I heard once that making decisions is one of the biggest time wasters so I'm trying to have as much as possible scheduled to avoid having to decide what to do next. I'll pray for you and ask you to pray for me! Thanks. (PS -- that pic of Parker is cute! Philip is fully potty-trained but choses to wear get-ups like that bc he's some imaginary character. Glad we are homeschooling and I can let him express himself!)
