I told myself that I wasn't going to wait until the end of the month in order to post about Ellis at 10 months, but here I am again on the day before Ellis turns 11 months creating this post. So, here we go.
- Stats: 15 lbs 7 oz and 27 in. She had lost a couple of ounces from when she got her weight checked last month so the doctor told me to focus more on giving her the cereals and mixing it with pedisure and give her yogurts and puddings to help fatten her up.
- She's a fast crawler. When she's got somewhere to go, you better move out of her way or she'll run you over.
- She is pulling up on her knees. Sometimes she'll just bounce up and down on her knees.
- She says "dada," "mama," "hey," and "babeh" (baby). Mostly she repeats them after us. This morning I got her up and brought her to my bed to nurse. She looked over at Paul's side and said "dada." He wasn't there because he had fallen asleep on the couch reading, but she knew he should be there.
- She celebrated her first Father's Day. She is also starting to love on Paul more.
- She is starting to come out of her shell and be more social with other people. In fact, when we were at a family reunion, she went to a complete stranger (at least he was to her) and let him hold her for a while and I was even right beside her. That's amazing! Although when she's sleepy all that goes out the window and no one else will do except her mommy.
- She's so nosy. Really she's just curious and is soaking up the world around her. She doesn't want to miss a moment of the action around her. She may be sleepy, but she won't give it up if we are out and about. She has to be in her bed in order to go to sleep.
- She rode her first ride. Well her first ride without a parent holding her. She rode the piggies at Dollywood with Parker while we were there on vacation. She was not happy about it at first especially since it jerked when it started but as it went around she enjoyed herself.
- She is now eating table food. I still give her the pureed food too because I want to make sure she's getting enough to eat with her weight issue. She's was ready to feed herself and she let me know it by always trying to take the spoon away from me.
- She loves sweet things just like me. I've given her a few treats of sweets and she gets so excited. She will scream at you if you don't hurry and give her another bite.
- She and Parker play so well with each other. If he lays on the floor, she will climb on top of him like she's wrestling him. Her favorite place to play is in his room. Parker wants her to always be awake to play with him. I know as they grow older they are going to have some fun times together.
- She is so giggly. It doesn't take much to make her laugh!
- She has started to do this head nod thing. She'll just be sitting and playing, and she will start nodding her up and down.
- She has a picnic basket toy that she loves to pull things out of. I will put all sorts of little toys in it and give it to her, and she will be entertained for a while.
Ellis, you are an abosolute joy in our lives. I couldn't imagine our family without you. You are a blessing! You are growing up way to fast. I can't believe that you are almost one year old. You are such a precious girl, and I love you so much!
Ellis on her first by herself ride. |
Look at those beautiful baby blues! |
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