Dear Fellow Servant in Christ,
am writing to you to seek your assistance in furthering the message of the
gospel of Jesus Christ. I am privileged
to have the opportunity to travel to Peru on September 19-29, 2012 with the
purpose to share the gospel with the Urarinas of the Amazon River basin. The
Kershaw Baptist Association has adopted 15 Urarina villages along the Rio
Tigrillo for the next three years. Some
of these villages have no Christians and no Christian influence at all and
desperately need to hear the saving power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I will
be a part of a team of six. We will be
in the Amazon jungle traveling by boat and hiking to the villages. While we are
there, we will be building relationships with the locals, discipling the ones
who are Christians, and reaching out to some villages who have yet to hear the
seek your assistance in two different ways. First, I ask you to pray. Pray for
the people that we will come in contact with as we travel and as we visit the
Urarinas. Pray their hearts will be prepared to hear and accept the message of
truth. Pray for us as we travel. This is not an easy trip. It will require a
great deal of travel, physical exertion, and expense. Pray that we will remain
healthy and in great shape in order to glorify God. Pray that we will be under
the protection of God during this trip. Finally, I ask you to pray for the
funding for this trip. I am confident that God will provide the funding needed
to make this trip possible, and I ask you to give Him thanks and praise for His
provision.Secondly, I ask you to pray about how God would use you to help provide the funding for this mission. I ask for your assistance not for me but for the furthering of the message of hope of the gospel of Jesus Christ in obedience to His commandments.
I am excited to be able to have the opportunity to have a part in sharing the Gospel with a group of people who for the first time have the chance to hear the Gospel. There is no Bible in their language but through translators we are reading and delivering the powerful message of Christ. This is very primitive for a mission trip. However, lack of comfort is no hindrance for me in being able to bring glory to God by serving Him through this mission trip. I can’t wait to get back and report to you the work that God did through us and in us and the Uranian people. Thank you for your support!
Your brother in Christ,
If you feel lead to give to help Paul go on this trip, you can send a tax deductible gift to Bethany Westville Baptist Church 3100 Young's Park Rd. Westville, SC 29175. On the memo line, note Paul Camp Peru Mission Trip. This trip costs approximately $4000 so any amount of money you give would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your support, not for the sake of Paul, but for the sake of the gospel. I want to express my gratitude for you faithfulness using the words Paul wrote to the Philippians. "I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now." (Phil. 1:3-5)
If you would like to read more about Kershaw Baptist Association adopting the Urarina villages click this link to read an article in the Baptist Courier.