Ellis is growing and developing by leaps and bounds. I can't even blink or I'll miss something.
- Stats: 17 lbs 1.5 oz! She packed on 28 ounces in 21 days at the beginning of the month which put her back on the growth curve. Yay for the 5th percentile. She has been packing on the weight since then so I'm curious to see what she will be at her 12 month check up.
- She can now pull up like at pro. At first, she could get her self up, but she was scared to drop back down. She would fuss and I would come save her. She finally got the hang of it and can pull up and sit down without problems.
- She has been crusing around the furniture. She will also walk behind her push walker thingy. I'm sure it won't be long and she'll be walking. I have to admit that makes me kinda sad. She's growing up.
- She has stood up, completely on her own, out in the middle of the floor for a few seconds one time. I freaked out when I saw her do it. She often will stop in the middle of crawling and push her butt in the air like she wants to stand up.
- She now says mama, dada, baby, kitty (she says it in a very high pitched voice and the t sounds aren't completely distinct, but you know that's what she's saying), nigh nigh (night night). I have heard her say no copying Parker. Her brother is already causing trouble! Haha!
- She likes to copy sounds we make. I would write them out but it's kinda hard to translate silly sounds into words.
- She will occasionally blow kisses. She will hold her hand on her mouth and blow out to where it makes a kinda pooting sound. I know that doesn't sound cute but like I said it's hard to put sounds into words.
- She will play Peek-a-boo and she will cover up her eyes and go "peee" in a squealy voice.
- She still only has her bottom 2 teeth, but her top gums are so swollen. Maybe soon those top teeth will finally make their appearance.
- She spooks really easily. For instance, at Chick-fil-a one day, the cow came around and she freaked out. Another time, she was around a cat that was the "I'm friendly, but I could bite you without a moment's notice" type. After rubbing around her stroller, it stretched up to get closer to her and she freaked out. I can foresee Halloween being terrifying for her.
- She likes to put things inside of things while playing like she likes to put balls inside cups.
- She really enjoys eating table food. I have to watch her to make sure she doesn't put too much in at one time. Although when she's full, she'll start tossing food overboard.
- She likes to nod her head but when she does she also lifts her eyebrows. It's too cute.
- She can get a little attitude with you if you take something from her that she really wants!
- When she's waiting on her food, she will squeal to let you know to hurry up.
- She sleeps with her butt up in the air. Again, so cute!
- She is making the transition to one nap much to my dismay. There are days where she will still take 2 naps, but most day now she only takes one.
- She loves to play in Parker's room. Sometimes this means arguments between her and Parker when she gets into something that he's playing with.
- She is so smiley and laughs very easily. She gives good hugs and kisses and is just oh so lovable!
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