Saturday, March 17, 2012

Picnic at the Park

 I can't think of a better way to spend such a beautiful spring day than a picnic at the park with family.

My beautiful niece, Zoe. Isn't she just precious?!

Parker is growing up too fast. I have to admit that watching him repeatedly climb this ladder made me nervous, but he did great.

Hannah and Cayden on the tire swing.

Whoa! Major static hair!

At first, Ellis wasn't too sure about sitting on the ground, but she got over that quickly and decided she wanted to eat the mulch.

Cousins! These two are going to be great friends one day. They are only 10 months apart in age.

So cute!

I took an insane amount of adorable pictures of Ellis since she was the only one of the five kids that stayed still long enough for me to take crazy amounts of pictures.

Parker's favorite park activity...swinging!

I could have posted 100 pictures of Ellis, but I just picked a few.

I tried to get a good picture of Parker and Ellis. Notice I said tried. Parker is past the stage of staying still for me to take pictures of both of them. At least Ellis hasn't learned to crawl or I wouldn't even have this shot.

I love Ellis in this picture. If only Parker hadn't been so interested in the mulch....

Paul Jr.

Let me explain this photo. Paul had been pushing Parker in the swing for about 15 minutes. Apparently, he was getting tired of pushing him, and one of his pushes become a shove and out came Parker out of the swing. Good thing Parker has good protective reflexes and caught himself without getting hurt. Way to go Dad...pick on someone your own size next time. :)

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