Thursday, November 10, 2011

"Please put your clothes on"

I think I say that 3,259 times in one day lately. Parker is going through the "I'd rather run around naked" stage of toddlerhood. Most of the time I can get him to at least put on a diaper or a pair of underware, but if he has to go potty, then off they go. I'm trying to teach him that we don't take our clothes off until we get to the bathroom, but so far it hasn't sunk in. Hopefully it will soon because it is becoming questionable if I should take him into public.
The other day we were at the library killing time before my hair appointment. I was feeding Ellis when all of a sudden I notice Parker start messing with his pants. I told him to stop, but he told me he had to go pee pee. I got him distracted long enough for me to put Ellis into her carseat so I could get his pants back where they belonged.
I'm hoping this stage is short lived. At least one benefit is it makes it easier to work on potty training.

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